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Anvika Harsha


Hello all, I am Anvika harsha from Bangalore. I am one year old cutie,Kindly welcome me to cute1 contest.I feel very happy and would like to share few pics of me . My naughty dimple smile and my bla bla talks is my energy that makes others to laugh.Please vote me with lots of love to win the contest, whoever votes me will receive a warm hug very soon.I wish all the best to me and my friends too.
Plz vote me for my cuteness ,,,,

Thankyou Everyone
Anvika H

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April 29, 2021 5:01 pm

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Listing ID 20608a97d73e0ed 5683 total views, 1 today

Additional Info

Parent's NameHarsha Anusha
Date of Birth6 April 2020